Model of

“Human capability and leadership redefined through development and research via experiential life science.”
Foundational Research
The Model of Human Potential has evolved since it was first introduced in 2009 by Dr. Shinshuri. Her initial research was conducted and published under dissertation and entitled “The Development and Validation of an Instrument to Assess Instructional Design Competency.”
The purpose of this initial quantitative research was to develop and validate a psychometric tool and methodology to measure human potential and capability. The focus of this research was to validate a comprehensive method in one discipline so it could be refined and used in multiple other disciplines. The original model was named Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA) Methodology and is supported by quantitative research.
This initial research work was seminal, groundbreaking, and set the foundation for the current model. The newer model emerged via auto-hermeneutic phenomenological research. Dr. Shinshuri conducted research on herself. She was the subject of inquiry. She documented her studies real-time and applied the model to her own personal life experiences through rigorous personal situations, professional development, and behavioral science.
She refers to this method as Experiential Ecology, which is a unique living, learning, personal and professional development leadership technology and discipline.
Seminal Research

The Petals

The Petals in the Model of Human Potential represent the Theory of Multiple Intelligence (MI). MI Theory was discovered in 1983 by Howard Gardner, a renowned psychologist from Harvard University. It was first published in his book “Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences.” Dr. Gardner identified eight (8) intellectual faculties extant in humans via theoretical brain research. These intelligences include:
- Bodily-Kinesthetic (BKQ) — Body Smart
- Interpersonal (IPQ1) — Self Smart
- Intrapersonal (IPQ2) — People Smart
- Mathematical-Logical (MLQ) — Logic Smart
- Musical (MQ) — Music Smart
- Naturalistic (NQ) — Nature Smart
- Linguistic-Verbal (LVQ) — Word Smart
- Visual-Spatial (VSQ) — Picture Smart
Intrapersonal and Interpersonal intelligence under Dr. Gardner’s MI Theory are basic components of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) principle put forth by Daniel Goleman. Human behavior is intrinsic to these intelligences, which yields Emotional Behavioral Intelligence (EBQ).
The Core

The Core in the Model of Human Potential represents Spiritual Intelligence (SQ). Danah Zohar coined the term “spiritual intelligence” and introduced the idea in 1997 in her book ReWiring the Corporate Brain. Dr. Gardner identified a ninth intellectual faculty in humans, which he named Existential Intelligence (EIQ). He referred to it as the overarching intelligence that governs being and knowing.
SQ is our most fundamental intelligence. It is what we use to develop our capacity for meaning, vision, and values. It allows us to dream and to strive. It underlies the things we know and the role that knowledge and our values play in the actions we take. When we access and explore the vast elements of our human psyche, we are more empowered to live up to our human potential for better, more satisfying, and productive lives.
SQ is the connector between intelligence faculties. The magnitude of SQ is determined by the magnitude of other intelligences that are activated in a person at some degree. We know from empirical research and evidence studies over the past 100 years or more that we are capable of more than we have ever thought possible. We also know that we are not defined by a single measurement of one or two of our faculties but many. Our Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is determined by the summation of all of our intellectual faculties, skills, abilities, and experiences which makes us who we are at varying degrees.
The Essence

The Essence in the Model of Human Potential represents the interactive, dynamic, and agile expression of human experiences that are manifested through a heightened sense of super consciousness and awareness. These manifestations emerge throughout a person’s repeated daily discipline and practice and include:
- Levels of Consciousness
- Human Chakra Energy
- Multiple Intelligence*
- Mental Agility
- Performance-based Practicums
You are not single-minded, but multi-faceted. You do not have one intelligence but many. We are discovering more about ourselves every day that we live. Your capabilities evolve daily. You can manifest, create, and enhance your human capability daily. You do this through your life experiences. Some examples include:
- Walking the dog
- Playing with friends
- Reading a book
- Studying
- Eating dinner
- Exercising
- Working
- Attending a sporting event
- Participating in a sport
- Watching a movie
- Interacting with others
- Collaborating in a team setting
- Speaking to a single person
- Speaking to a small group or crowd
- Completing a project
- Creating an innovative product
- And more…
Note: An asterisk (*) denotes Competencies and Skill Capability are integral to the practice of Multiple Intelligence.