Root Chakra
The root is the first chakra. Its Sanskrit name is MULADHARA. In the human body, it is located at the base of the spine. This chakra provides the foundation upon which we build and develop safety, security, and stability. Imbalanced attributes in this chakra can result in scattered energies, anxiety, fear, and other emotive behaviors. (Dale, 2017)
In the Earth body, it is located at Mount Shasta in California. This chakra generates the universal life force prior to its embodiment in biological forms. (Coon, 1967)
This chakra relates to the element Earth and the leadership quality Environment in the RITMO model.
Sacral Chakra
The sacral is the second chakra. Its Sanskrit name is SVADHISHTHANA. In the human body, it is located below the navel. This chakra represents creative and sexual energies. Imbalanced attributes would be a lack of or repressed creativity, sexual dysfunction, withheld intimacy, emotional isolation, or any other traumatic issues or behaviors. (Dale, 2017)
In the Earth body, it is located at Lake Titicaca in Peru. This chakra regulates the introduction of new species and major evolutionary advancements for life on Earth. (Coon, 1967)
This chakra relates to the element Water and the leadership quality Creation in the RITMO model.
Solar Plexus
The solar plexus is the third chakra. Its Sanskrit name is MANIPURA. In the human body, it is located below the chest. This chakra represents self-esteem, desire, passion, willpower, and personal responsibility. It can also include imbalanced attributes like control issues, manipulation, and power misuse. (Dale, 2017)
In the Earth body, it is located at Uluru and Kata Tjuta in Australia. The original names for this location were The Olgas and Ayers Rock. This chakra maintains vitality and increases the health of all individual beings. (Coon, 1967)
This chakra relates to the element Fire and the leadership quality Imagination in the RITMO model.
Heart Chakra
The heart is the fourth chakra. Its Sanskrit name is ANAHATA. In the human body, it is in the center of the chest. This chakra represents love and self-love and governs our relationships. Some imbalanced attributes can include depression, compassion, relationship difficulties, or lack of self-discipline. (Dale, 2017)
In the Earth body, it is located at Glastonbury and Shaftesbury in England. This location is also called Stonehenge. This chakra develops the ability of individual life forms to interact with each other, show love and compassion, and to raise the frequencies of all on Earth. (Coon, 1967)
This chakra relates to the element Air and the leadership quality Compassion in the RITMO model.
Throat Chakra
The throat is the fifth chakra. Its Sanskrit name is VISHUDDHA. In the human body, it is in the center of the neck. This chakra represents the ability of a person to communicate clearly and effectively. Some imbalanced attributes can include shyness, being withdrawn or reclusive, arrogance, or increased anxiety. (Dale, 2017)
In the Earth body, it is located at Great Pyramid of Giza, Mount Sinai, and Mount of Olives in Egypt. This chakra activates the ability to have direct communication with the Earth to understand its willing and align with oneself to Earth’s purpose. Interactive and dynamic dialogue between Mother Earth and all dependent living beings. (Coon, 1967)
This chakra relates to the element Sound and the leadership quality Communication in the RITMO model.
Third Eye
The third eye is the sixth chakra. Its Sanskrit name is AJÑA. In the human body, it is in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. This chakra represents awareness, intuition, foresight, vision, visualizations, insight, and inspiration. Some imbalanced attributes can include benightedness, lack of clarity, direction, and confusion. (Dale, 2017)
In the Earth body, this chakra is a transient and mobile chakra. It has no fixed location. It moves 1/12th of the way around the world to the west, at the dawn of each new Aeon. An Aeon occurs every 2,160 years. It is often referred to as the Aeon Activation Center. (Coon, 1967)
This chakra relates to the element Light and the leadership quality Technology in the RITMO model.
Mystic Chakra
The mystic is the seventh chakra. Its Sanskrit name is SAHASRARA. In the human body, it is at the top of the head or crown. This chakra represents higher consciousness, divine connection, and oneness. Some imbalanced attributes can include cynicism, ignorance, disregard for a higher intelligence life force or source that governs everything. (Dale, 2017)
In the Earth body, this chakra is located at Mount Kailash in Tibet. This chakra allows complete unity integration and oneness to be established between Earth and human beings for the purpose of sustaining life for all life forms. (Coon, 1967)
This chakra relates to the element Ether and the leadership quality Leadership in the RITMO model.